Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Love Wednesday...

Funny how some weeks just get away with you, without any real rhyme or reason as to why. Well, this has been one of those weeks. Mr was away in Palmerston North for some training for the entire weekend, so it loomed before me like a gaping chasm of 'What the fluff will MiniMr and I get up to??'. We were fine though, even after two rather unsettled nights and one very tired mama. I even managed to get my Monday post all typed, checked and ready to roll... it was just the picture that needed to be sorted. For that, I needed an editing program so I decided to download Picasa. Sounds easy enough, doesn't it? Well, here's a bit of advice for you.... whatever Picasa downloads from your system, and you delete because you don't want certain images on Picasa.... IT DELETES THE ENTIRE FOLDER FROM YOUR HARD DRIVE!!!! Thank goodness I realized this before the trash was emptied. And double thank goodness that iPhoto doesn't allow you to delete from Picasa like it does folders because it would have been even more of a debacle then!!!! I only hope I got it all back.... I'm yet to come clean to Mr... he is going to go ape shit! 

Sooooo, I spent aaaaages trying to work out what the hell I'd done... and as all new mama's will know, the window of free time is fairly limited. So no post! But hey, at least the next one is ready to go for later in the week. 

Let's get cracking on Love Wednesday why don't we....

If you will be breastfeeding, then please know this all you new or soon to be mamas.... it's very likely that most of your clothes will be useless during this time in your life. Yes, probably even all that maternity stuff you so excitedly bought. Crazy, I know.... another range of clothing to be purchased. For me, tops and leggings have pretty much become the staple. Just normal tops though because breastfeeding ones have mostly not been to my taste. But this introduced another dilemma - the post-baby tummy dilemma... on top of huge milky boobies and the feeds that kind of have to take place outside of the home occasionally. Luckily, I stumbled across these beauties so that no one needs to stab their eyes out - the clip-on cami from BreastmatesAnd while you are there, grab some hydrogel pads for nips that want to commit suicide and these bust out beanies that are soooo wrong, they are right!

I have to say, some people have come up with some pretty novel ideas for some pretty boring things. Like this construction dinner set... how could dinner time - or in fact anytime - ever be boring with these. Love it! 

Ah, and here's something I've wanted to do for MiniMr and still haven't... and um, he's only going to be 5 months soon!!! But for those much more organised mommies, or for those looking for a great Baby Shower pressie, check out this Inkless Printing Kit. Yes, you so need it to record those teeny tiny feet and hands. You'll look back and soooo not believe that once your precious parcel was THAT small.

Moving over to what the USA has on offer, how amazing are these Colour Discovery Boxes?? Almost makes me want to re-learn my colours! And for those of you that are like me and have family that live on far away shores, these 'All about me' personalised books are perfect for little ones to learn about family near and far.

And a last wee treat for those of you that live in Auckland. If you're craving a very good cupcake, head to Bluebells Cakery in Hillsborough. The surroundings are sweetness personified and all the food we tried exceptionally good. I had no coffee though, so if you do head that way and indulge in some of the brown stuff, do let me know what you think. And if you're not in Auckland.... have no fear; they now have a cook book out so you can purchase that and whip up a delightful tea party to impress all your friends. I was seriously tempted to purchase one myself its so gorgeously presented but since I don't really bake, I restrained myself. I'm not sure though that when I return I will be able to hold myself back on a second occasion.

There is more.... but it will have to wait for next week otherwise I'll never get this up. Let me know what you think, or if you've seen any bits and bobs that you know I'll just love for Love Wednesday.

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